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2015The incidence of digital storytelling on the development of the speaking skill in students attending 3rd year of bachelor at Rumiñahui high school in Ambato, during february to april, 2014-2015 school year.Madrid, Maricela; Lara Aldas, Gabriela Alexandra
2015Influence of the input and iteraction on vocabulary acquisition in the tenth year at "Ciudad de Cuenca" High School During the second period of the school year 2014-2015Correa Moncayo, Liliana Teresa
2015Influence of collaborative learning on the ddevelopment of writing slills with solidiers from the first year candidates course, classroom I at Esforse during the first semester 2015Llumiquinga, María; Cunalata Chango, Miguel Edmundo
2015The relationship berween the use of the IWB e- learnig tool and the teaching and learning of english as a foreign language in seventh year students at Colegio los Pinos during the academic period 2012-2013Llumiquinga, María Teresa; Costales Vásquez, Nelly Alexandra
2015The incidence of flipped learning in the development of the writing skill of senior english learning groups at johannes Lepler High School, 2014-2015 yearEspin, Carlos; López López, Carla Monserrat
2015Influence of the web 2.0 tools (voki, vocaroo and voicethread) as techniques to improve the speaking skill in students of second year of accounting at the Alangasí High School, during the first partial of the second term of 2014-2015 school yearPinto, Mónica; Rosales Cevallos, María del Consuelo; Basantes Morales, Emilio Rodrigo
2015Incidence of task-based learning to develop speaking skill for students of tenth year at Francisco de Orellana High School, during school year 2014-2015Villa, Oswaldo; Salán Torres, Saúl Ismael
2015The incidence of extensive reading in the tourism vocabulary development with students of 3rd year of bachillerato in tourism at "Nueva Primavera" high School during the scholar yerar 2014-2015Nacaza Alquinga, Amilcar Isael
2015The incidence of the interactive software "Rosetta Stone" in the development of listening and speaking english language skills, in students attending the 8th year at unidad educativa Comil-3 "héroes del 41" in machala, el oro´s province, during the second academic term 2014-2015Velasque Tonato, Juan Cerafín; Intriago Alcivar, Wellintong Segundo
2015The influence of the quizstar tool on the development of listening skills on first year bachillerato students at "Lauro Guerrero" military educational unit, Loja, school year 2014-2015Llumiquinga, María; Llumiquinga Guamán, Luis Iván