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Titel: Desarrollo de un entorno virtual 3D del proceso de refinación de azúcar, y control automático mediante un PLC utilizando la técnica Hardware in The Loop
Director(es): Pruna Panchi, Edwin Patricio
Autor(en): Condor Taco, Milton Fabian
Erscheinungsdatum: 6-Jan-2023
Herausgeber: Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Extensión Latacunga. Carrera de Ingeniería en Electrónica e Instrumentación.
Zitierform: Condor Taco, Milton Fabian. (2023). Desarrollo de un entorno virtual 3D del proceso de refinación de azúcar, y control automático mediante un PLC utilizando la técnica Hardware in The Loop. Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica e Instrumentación. Departamento de Eléctrica y Electrónica. Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Extensión Latacunga.
Zusammenfassung: This paper proposes the design of a 3D virtual environment of the sugar re-fining process for the implementation of the Hardware in the Loop (HIL) technique and the design of PID controllers by means of a commercial programmable logic controller (PLC), developing operation and control tests in the plant. The 3D modeling of the virtual environment is developed from the P&ID diagram of the process, which indicates the arrangement of equipment and instruments with-in the virtual environment, the mathematical models of the process were developed from base equations, theorems and experimentation to determine the dynamics of operation of the sugar refining process, while the animations and realism were designed in the Unity 3D graphics engine. The interchange of information between the virtualized plant and the PLC, using the Modbus TCP/IP protocol, determined a fast and reliable communication. Finally, different control tests were developed, allowing to demonstrate that the HIL technique presents a complete control over the virtual plant as if it resembled reality.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Artículos Académicos - Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica e Instrumentación (ESPEL)

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