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Título : The impact of preservice teacher education on teacher attributes attending the eighth year of basic education at Menor High School during 2010-2011 school year
Autor: Poveda Reto, Verónica Gabriela
Palabras clave : EDUCATION
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial: SANGOLQUÍ / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2011
Citación : Poveda Reto, Verónica Gabriela ( 2011 ). The impact of preservice teacher education on teacher attributes attending the eighth year of basic education at Menor High School during 2010-2011 school year. Applied Linguistics in English Career. ESPE. Idiomas. Sede Quito.
Abstract: Many years ago and in today's world has been indispensable the practice teaching "helping profession" which depends on the relationship created between the teacher and the learner. Pending of this process, we have observed much time the high and low profile of a student-teacher in the classroom, in that many factors has been involved. It is crucial, therefore, to determine which forms of help, or teaching, are most effective with that relationship. These determinations certainly depend on a variable number: the purpose of the help, that is, its objectives, the particular context in which the help is being offered and the interactions that make up the process of offering and receiving it. The practicum or practice teaching experience is the central component. One the main factors we can visualize as a failure in practicum; is the lack of interest in teaching students, the low value of importance to transfer knowledge through proper education. Therefore, this is the best opportunity for student-teacher feels the priority to teach and develop her or his potential, wishing to become teachers to build a portfolio and learn best teaching practices within the watchful eye of a teacher-educator. Some students become to see the pre-service as the most terrible thing in the world and this is due to the insecurity of their profiles; in contrast to other students pre-service become a challenge or maybe a goal in their career. Student teaching, or practice teaching, is one of the most important and formative experiences of every teacher in training...
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/5009

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