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Título : Incidence of cooperative learning to improve listening comprehension skills in the english language in studentes attending second and third year of bachillerato at Salamanca evenign high school during the last three months, academic year 2013-2014
Autor: Pérez Villarreal, María Julia
Palabras clave : LISTENING SKILL
Fecha de publicación : Aug-2014
Editorial: University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Applied Linguistics in English Career.
Citación : Pérez Villarreal, María Julia (2014). Incidence of cooperative learning to improve listening comprehension skills in the english language in studentes attending second and third year of bachillerato at Salamanca evenign high school during the last three months, academic year 2013-2014. Applied Linguistics in English Career. University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Sede Sangolquí.
Abstract: The main goal of the present paper is to give the teachers of Salamanca High School a methodological guide that can be used for improving listening comprehension skills with the utilization of cooperative learning techniques. This study was conducted in Quito, at Salamanca Evening High School. The subjects of this research were the students of second and third year of Bachillerato. It was necessary to separate the sample into two groups, one called the experimental group and other one, control group. These groups were randomly selected. In the experimental group was applied the methodology to improve listening comprehension proposed in this thesis and the other one kept learning listening comprehension in the traditional way the school uses.
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/8915

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