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Título : The relationship between discourse and the listening skill from the first certificate of the FCE EXAM taken on november 2012-in the applied linguistics career at University of the Armed Forces ESPE
Autor: Cruz Salguero, Diana Carolina
Castro Nogales, Braadwell Breeshing
Palabras clave : LEARNING
Fecha de publicación : oct-2014
Editorial: University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Applied Linguistics in English Career.
Citación : Cruz Salguero, Diana Carollina y Castro Nogales, Braadwell Breeshing (2014). The relationship between discourse and the listening skill from the first certificate of the FCE EXAM taken on november 2012-in the applied linguistics career at University of the Armed Forces ESPE. University of the Armed Forces ESPE. Applied Linguistics in English Career. Matriz Sangolquí.
Abstract: The FCE exam consists of 5 papers, and the listening one was the lowest of all according the students' results. A survey was done in order to know which characteristic of the listening the students were having more difficulty with by relating discourse and the listening skill, since they are co-related; discourse as the independent variable and the listening skill as the dependent one, owing to the fact that the grade of the performance depends on the listener's level towards a listening task. Discourse research was based on Beaugrande's theory called Standards of Textuality, consisting of 7 types of discourse which are present in any kind of conversation; Informativity was the lowest, and Intentionality being the second the lowest...
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/9556

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