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Título : Multi-user system for the virtual interaction of a pasteurization process.
Director(es): Andaluz Ortiz, Victor Hugo
Autor: Porras Robalino, Alex Paúl
Solis Guanin, Carlos Renato
Palabras clave : REALIDAD VIRTUAL
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Editorial: Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Extensión Latacunga. Carrera de Ingeniería en Electrónica e Instrumentación.
Citación : Porras Robalino, Alex Paúl. Solis Guanin, Carlos Renato (2019). Multi-user system for the virtual interaction of a pasteurization process. Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica e Instrumentación. Departamento de Eléctrica y Electrónica. Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE. Extensión Latacunga.
Abstract: This article presents the development of a virtual Multi-user system of an industrial process, of a pasteurizing plant. The system will have a realistic and intuitive environment, in order to train and train operators in tasks of visualization, monitoring and control, through immersion and interaction with the devices and instrumentation present in the industrial process. The development of the virtual environment is carried out by means of CAD design software for the modeling of all the elements together with the Unity 3D graphic engine, in addition to the MATLAB tool that provides information on the simulation of the process, while virtual reality devices are used for immersion. The characteristic of Multi-user is given by the creation of a server which synchronizes and allows the exchange of information between several users at the same time. The experimental tests allow the operator to interact with the virtual environment and acquire monitoring and control skills with the different stages of pasteurization of the dairy industry without risks and labor problems.
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/21211
ISSN : ENI-0438
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Académicos - Carrera de Ingeniería Electrónica e Instrumentación (ESPEL)

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