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Título : The methodological process to implement the bilingualism and the significant learning of the English Language for basic level children at the Combatientes de Tapi military high school in the city of Riobamba during the period 2005-2006
Director(es): Llumiquinga, Maria Teresa
Autor: Pérez Hidalgo, Jilmar Bayardo
Palabras clave : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Fecha de publicación : Oct-2006
Editorial: QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2006
Citación : Pérez Hidalgo, Jilmar Bayardo (2006). The methodological process to implement the bilingualism and the significant learning of the English Language for basic level children at the Combatientes de Tapi military high school in the city of Riobamba during the period 2005-2006. Applied linguistics in English Carrer. ESPE. Sede Idiomas.
Abstract: The research of: The Methodological process to implement the Bilingualism and the learning significance of English language for basic level children at the COMBATIENTES DE TAPI MILITARY HIGH SCHOOL in the city of Riobamba during the period 2005-2006 begins with the consideration of the importance of English. This work was organized to show the incidence of methodological process has in the generation of significant learning in the students of The Combatientes de Tapi Military High School of Riobamba city. It was necessary to identify the theoretical and methodological foundations in the teaching-learning process. It was necessary to organize to demonstrate the central problem and each one of the secondary problems of the research. For these reason it was developed some important concepts. Next it was required to elaborate and apply the instruments to obtain the necessary information. To get this information survey guides for teachers and students were elaborated, and applied to a population sample in June of this year. The statistical design was used to select the sample of the population.
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/3828

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