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Título : Implementation of audio-visual material in the English class and its incidence in the Vocabulary Acquisition on students attending the fifth grade at "Arco Iris Occidental School" during the Second Term 2010 - 2011 School Year
Autor: Proaño, Ana Lucía
Palabras clave : LINGUISTIC - RESEARCH
Fecha de publicación : Sep-2012
Editorial: QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2011
Citación : Proaño, Ana Lucía (2012). Implementation of audio-visual material in the English class and its incidence in the Vocabulary Acquisition on students attending the fifth grade at "Arco Iris Occidental School" during the Second Term 2010 - 2011 School Year. Applied Linguistics in English Career. ESPE. Sede Quito.
Abstract: The present research tries to identify the possible solution for students who can acquire English vocabulary with easier through the use of extra material in each class of foreign language, as teachers and students take part in the learning process with this interactive methodology. The study was applied to twenty five students attending fifth grade at "Arco Iris Occidental" school during the Second Term 2010-2011 School Year. It is located at Consejo Provincial in Quito; it was about the use of audiovisual material as support in the English classrooms. There were many changes with respect to vocabulary acquisition in the students, they felt more confidence with the methodology applied, improved the pronunciation, the recognition of words, the daily practice of dialogues encouraged them to learn and practice more words into and out of classes. The use of extra materials to teach English as a Second Language is very important because learners need to watch videos, listen songs, read some interesting topics that can wake up their motivation and that is successful with the use of support material.
URI : http://repositorio.espe.edu.ec/handle/21000/6503

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