APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN ENGLISH CAREER : [119] Página de inicio de la colección

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Items de la Colección (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 119
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
2018The impact of using the dynamic assessment developed by Dr. Reuven Feuerstein as an interactive approach to learn the english language . Aimed to students attending eighth basic year of Unidad Educativa “El Camino” during the period 2013-2014Madrid Gonzales, Silvana Maricela; Martínez Noble, Karina del Rocío
2018Use of mobile learning activities to improve the low level in speaking skill in the tenth year of EGB at ‘Gran Colombia’ high school, in Quito, during the first term, September 2016 – November 2016Villa Tixe, Oswaldo; Calvache Cueva, Jeanneth del Rocío
2017English songs to develop the speaking and listening skills in teenagers with visual impairments at “Unidad Educativa Internacional Pensionado Atahualpa” during the school year 2016-2017Puma Chadán, Gonzalo Efrain; Zamora Villota, Andrea Estefany
2017Digital story telling, and its impact in the development of speaking skills of english language in the students of third year of Bachillerato at Instituto Los Andes during the school year 2015-2016Madrid González, Silviana Maricela; Rivera Freire, Wimper Humberto
2016The relationship between classroom projects and the students attitudes towards english in the eighth year of basic education at Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla School in Cuenca, in the first term, 2014-2015 school yearVilla, Oswaldo; Pauta Romero, Miriam Soledad; Taza García, María Magdalena
2016The incidence of using problem-based learning (PBL) strategy on the level of listening skill development for students attending the third year of bachillerato at Unidad Educativa Jorge Rodríguez Román located in canton of Orellana during the first quimester of 2015-2016 school yearPinto, Mónica; Carpio Celi, Rosenda Alba
2016Use of blogs to improve the english writing skill, in eighth grade students classroom "C" at Military High School Nº 13 Patria during the first quimestre, school year 2015-2016Bonilla, Néstor; Bonilla Lechón, Néstor Benjamín
2016The influence of desuggestopedia in the improvement of syntax_english sentence structure in the students of first year of electromechanical automotive A1 and A2 efl classrooms at Instituto Tecnológico Superior Central Técnico During the school year 2014-2015Pinto, Mónica; Resabala Encalada, Karen Ivette; Rivadeneira Rivadeneira, Johanna Patricia
2016The influence of teacher's attitudes and beliefs into technology-related skills, at Unidad Educativa Tumbaco during the 2010-2011 school yearPonce, Miguel; Collaguazo Carrera, Héctor Gonzalo
2016Recreational strategies for developing listening skill on the students of eighth grade of basic education at colegio nocturno Tungurahua, Baños, province of Tungurahua, during the first term, 2012 - 2013 school yearPuma, Gonzalo; Luzuriaga Ochoa, María Viviana
2015Influence of the web 2.0 tools (voki, vocaroo and voicethread) as techniques to improve the speaking skill in students of second year of accounting at the Alangasí High School, during the first partial of the second term of 2014-2015 school yearPinto, Mónica; Rosales Cevallos, María del Consuelo; Basantes Morales, Emilio Rodrigo
2015Incidence of task-based learning to develop speaking skill for students of tenth year at Francisco de Orellana High School, during school year 2014-2015Villa, Oswaldo; Salán Torres, Saúl Ismael
2015The incidence of flipped learning in the development of the writing skill of senior english learning groups at johannes Lepler High School, 2014-2015 yearEspin, Carlos; López López, Carla Monserrat
2015Incidence of the TPR technique to improve the english listening skills for students attending the pre-school "Luigi Galvani" in Quito, province of Pichincha during the first term, 2014-2015Puma, Gonzalo; Gavilánes Rodríguez, Gloria Mónica
2015The influence of the quizstar tool on the development of listening skills on first year bachillerato students at "Lauro Guerrero" military educational unit, Loja, school year 2014-2015Llumiquinga, María; Llumiquinga Guamán, Luis Iván
2015Influence of the input and iteraction on vocabulary acquisition in the tenth year at "Ciudad de Cuenca" High School During the second period of the school year 2014-2015Correa Moncayo, Liliana Teresa
2015The incidence of the interactive software "Rosetta Stone" in the development of listening and speaking english language skills, in students attending the 8th year at unidad educativa Comil-3 "héroes del 41" in machala, el oro´s province, during the second academic term 2014-2015Velasque Tonato, Juan Cerafín; Intriago Alcivar, Wellintong Segundo
2015The incidence of the webquest to improve writing skill development in an english foreign language classroom with studentes of ninth year of basic education level at "George Washington" High School during the school year 2014-2015Luguaña Gualoto, Doris Adriana; Benavides Fernández, Maricela Andrea
2015The incidence of extensive reading in the tourism vocabulary development with students of 3rd year of bachillerato in tourism at "Nueva Primavera" high School during the scholar yerar 2014-2015Nacaza Alquinga, Amilcar Isael
2014The influence of the total physical response (TPR) method in the development of listening skill in the kindergarten children attending at Ángel Polibio Chaves School during the scholl year 2013- 2014Osorio Vizcaino, Gabriela Karina
Items de la Colección (Ordenados por Fecha de envío en orden Descendente): 1 a 20 de 119